2022 | APRIL

Helping the BID to promote the new market they were launching-this was something that the community had made it clear they wanted.

Promoting the Councils street closure scheme for the Jubilee weekend and the upcoming various InPurley Jubilee events.

Promoting Croydon Climate Action Mayoral Hustings.

Launch of the Purley Heritage Trail

Through our engagements we had some feedback, particularly from the school children, about wanting to see museums or information about History in Purley. We were delighted to launch the Purley Heritage Trail and Map. Produced by Panel Chair Anna Bond and with beautiful artwork by local young resident B Sawyer the trail lists points of interest and historical spots in Purley, the map was advertised and available on our Facebook page, hard copies are available from Purley Library or it can be downloaded here.

‘Taking Back Purley’

An article highlighting the positive things the Purley Panel were involved in for Purley was published in ‘This is Local London’ written by local young resident Jasmine Savory.


2022 | MAY


2022 | MARCH